Saturday, July 27, 2024
Our Services
Web Site Designing
  Basic Website
  Corporate Website
  Flash Website
Ecommerce Solutions
  Shopping Carts
  Business Process
SEO Services
  Search Engine
  Link Popularity

Note: This form is quite detailed but don't let that put you off. Its use will assist you to determine what you need on your website. The comment boxes provide help with its completion. It will take five or ten minutes to complete.

Full Name:
Email Address:
Confirm Email:

Type of website:
Current website URL:
Do you want to sell online?
Do you need to take credit card payments online?
If so, how many items will you offer?:
No. of web pages required:
Dynamic or database driven:
Is a domain name required? :
If so what domain name would you like?:
Is website hosting required?:
Do you need a logo?:
Do you need a flash header?:
Approx. images required:
Do you have the digital images you require?:
Is digital photography required?:
Is your site content prepared?:
Writing of copy required?:
Do you require an enquiry form?:
Do you want us to research your keywords?:
Do you want me to optimise your site?:
Do you want us to submit your site?:
Do you need visitor statistics?:
Other comments:

"You have done a fantastic job and you deserve to show this one off. Seriously, I just love it, the whole site. I am so impressed with your creativity and effort.

Thank you! I am very excited about what you have done. Words alone could not express the gratitude that I found you. Thank you for understanding the needs of this !"
- Amit Badlani
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